Use These Tips to Stay Healthy in the Winter when it’s Wet and Cold or Risk Getting Sick

Health and beauty go hand in hand and you should equally take care of both.

However, in today’s world, you do what you can, when you can. So it’s great to find simple things that go a long way.

When it comes to you keeping good health when it’s cold, wet or otherwise these are small adjustments you can make that actually work to keep you healthy and looking great.

Do them and see the difference in your resistance to the “office bug and flu season”.

To help fight colds you want to have less carbs, less salt and more sleep.

When weather gets significantly colder and the last autumn leaves fall, in most places those signs mark seasonal change. From the time it takes to adjust to cold and wet weather, to when winter (and fall) activities kick into high gear, people tend to drop the good eating habits they had in place during the warmer months.

This is why so many people declare weight loss as their New Year’s resolution. Certainly it’s not the only reason, but one of them. And if not before the top of the year, sometime during mid-winter they will profess to lose weight by summer.

In addition to the endless winter buffet of delicious, feel-good foods and festive drinks, seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, pressures from bills, taxes and other areas of life (think personal relationships, work and school deadlines) seemingly mount up during the winter. As a result and unsurprisingly, masses of people who are generally otherwise healthy, fall victim to the sniffles, colds, the flu and other illnesses during the winter and colder months.

However, you can help prevent yourself from getting sick. Just take the rights steps.

Those pesky colds may invite you to party but you can insist on not going. Additionally, you can avoid packing on the extra pounds too. Consider that a bonus. Just follow the three actions mentioned previously and now explained further.

Less Carbs

More specifically, lower your simple carbohydrate intake. Excess slows digestion, promotes belly fat and releases cortisol. Enjoy yourself, but avoid large amounts of processed foods. This is especially true for white bread, rice and baked goods. In case you’re wondering, cortisol is a hormone your body releases when under stress and it suppresses your immune system.

Less Salt

Watch your sodium otherwise the combination of the carbs and sodium often make your body the perfect Petri dish for viruses to play in. Excess sodium causes numerous health issues in general, however when paired with a suppressed immune system, all the sodium-rich foods often prepared in the winter serve as a starting point for trouble later on due to inflammation, dehydration and stress.

More Sleep

There is less sunlight in the winter for you to get the natural health benefits of the sun. Get plenty of sleep and rest. Sleep repairs damage made to your body throughout the day and is an overall restorative process. The more healthy sleep, the more restoration you receive. Additionally, sleep can help offset stress.

Less stress is always good.

They’re simple rules to follow, but if you focus and stay consistent, you can keep your good health despite what goes on in the workspaces around you or with people you know or encounter outside of work and enjoy the wonders of winter.

Sing in the rain or play in the snow without worry and look good while doing it.

Womens Healthtips